Sunday, February 16, 2020

Complete College Design Presentation Research Paper - 1

Complete College Design Presentation - Research Paper Example Many fresh graduates are sailing in the same boat of poverty and unemployment. Even after graduating from colleges with good and competent degrees, the fact remains that many remain unemployed for long periods of time (Heckers, 2013). The growing technology has enabled managers to always post vacant positions on the website only to receive thousands of applications.   This means also that many resumes end up in the deleted folder. Economic status of countries have been blamed and marked as the key causes of unemployment among the fresh graduates. Levels of unemployment are positively correlated to the fluctuations of world’s financial situations (Heckers, 2013).   The same problem has been noted among the graduates and senior students who look for internships and contract placements. Even graduates have found it difficult to get volunteer positions because most companies think of spending more money. Most companies fear that volunteers are expensive to maintain and manage (Weissmann, 2012). Governments have also not designed ways of curbing unemployment brought about by the increasing number of graduates. Every year, colleges and university produces graduates in all fields while there is little done by the institution under consideration and the government to manage the situation appropriately (Wanping, 2004). Another reason for student related problems and graduates are lack of networking among the students. Correspondence between students and their seniors helps in integration of ideas and the new interface.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The General Force of Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The General Force of Analysis - Essay Example The journal also analyzes the pressure, which suppliers place on a company has an enormous impact on the margins of the company. This includes the factors, which influence the intensity of the suppliers’ power, include shortage of suppliers and unavailability of substitutes of a product. The issue of customers affecting a company’s boundaries because of the number of buyers, the quantity of purchases, and ease of finding substitutes of a product, price and importance of a product is also discussed in the journals. The authors mention how risk of substitutes is determined by the ease of customers to acquire an alternative to a product or service because they are fascinated by cheap alternatives. In addition, Competition among companies, and how they determine the returns of a company were explored; consequently, the issue of return reduction when competition is high in the retail sector is discussed. Competition is increased when there is no company that stands above the rest and when there is no difference between products and services.The authors Munir et al, explore how the Pakistani mobile company Moblink, employs research on their stakeholders so as to determine those affected by those who influence the procedures of the company and those interested in its success or failure. Stakeholders may be individuals or organizations. The journal discusses how Moblink reduces competition in the industries by introducing barriers. It also shows how Moblink determines how suppliers and customers affect its returns.