Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Women Desire Most

During the medieval period, women had social status and a role that was conclusively determined by some influential and powerful church leaders and male theologians.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on What Women Desire Most specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The perception of women grew out of patriarchal interpretations of the holy bible (Wilson 132). This paper discusses what women desired most during the medieval time by providing examples of three women that had things in common. In addition, it talks about what they desired most. During the medial time, man was viewed as superior to the woman and was the head of the household. In marriage, a woman was to fulfill her primary role in the household. This reinforced the notion that women were inferior and seductive human being with a sexual nature that caused man to sin. This led to limits in women participation, in church activities and the society (Wilson 66). Margery Kempe was so devoted, but through the worldly pride, she graciously came against her mind (Wilson 269). She thought that she was bound to God. For most women, convent life offered the only opportunity to control their personal lives. Kemp got married to John, a worship burgess of Lynne and she gave birth after a remarkably short time. Later she continued with a series of pilgrimages after bearing a large number of children. The significance of Margery Kempe indicates the desire of women, that is, sexual intercourse that followed about two years after her first mystical experience (Wilson 270). Julian of Norwich was of humble birth and well educated at a Benedictine convent. She had a diverse biblical knowledge and the teachings of the church (Wilson 272). Julian was much devout and became an anchoress. This is a lifelong commitment to solitary religious lifestyle spent in a room. She was a mystic and theologian. She was able to use devices of metaphor and allegory to pass d eep messages, and at times, with inexpressible meanings that can only be experienced in life that is extremely devoted and intensely focused and personal relationship with God (Wilson 277). Saint Bridget is considered as a woman who left a significant literary work. Her role in the society during the medieval ages made her a teacher of the word of God. The revelations of Saint Bridget have shaped in a highly decisive manner the portrayals of life and the human suffering of Jesus Christ.Advertising Looking for term paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Saint Bridget was also a mystic and a theologian in the role of women during the medieval church. Women desired to study medieval theology that was concentrated substantially on Scholasticism (Wilson 228). In conclusion, the three women have plenty in common since they were devout Christians and were writers as well as theologians. Women need an opportunity to develop a close and personal relationship with God. However, for most women during the medieval time of the 14th century, the desire for sexual intercourse was evident in the manner of their dressing and make-ups, which were aimed at attracting men. This is explained by the life style of Kempe who became tempted into adultery after being quiet in spirit from any temptation (Wilson, 1984). Her talks were also full of romantic love words like dalliance, when referring to men of God (Wilson 65). In addition, her mode of dressing also indicated what women desired during the medieval time. Her headdress was an example of a popular and costly fashion of the medieval time. It had an elaborate gold and brass wire nets that were used to hold the hair. This indicated an overall effect of an excessive vanity in dress. However, the three women wanted to accomplish an opportunity for an access to education, freedom from pregnancies and family responsibilities. Women of mystics and theologians in conven t realized these achievements. Works Cited Wilson, M. Katharina (ed). Medieval Women Writers. Athens, GA: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1984. Print. This term paper on What Women Desire Most was written and submitted by user Jordan Jefferson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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